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Eduplay Water Pearls

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Color - Rainbow

 Eduplay water beads are non-toxic, easy to use and encourage children to learn through sensory play, stimulating hand-eye coordination: they are super slippery! They are tiny beads, about the size of a poppy seed before being dipped in water, after which they grow to about 150 times their original size.

What is included

230 g of water pearls (about 12,000 beads) packed in a recyclable soft plastic bag and a recyclable cardboard box.

How to use

To make them grow, Just put 10 g of them in a large bowl, cover them with 5 cups of water (1.5 litres) and watch them expand over the next 5 hours or so. Tip: Use hot/warm tap water for faster growth!

Once they have grown, drain the excess water and voilà, you have a bowl of fun in the form of balls!

Activities for children (not usable under 4 years)

Colour categorization, water games, counting, colorful playground mini-world (in a bowl), pretend cooking, sensory games, motor skills, bouncing, rolling, fairy gardens, creating a fairy rainbow, in the bathtub bathroom (remember to collect them before removing the cap!).

Activities for older children

Sensory games, treasures, bounces, fairy gardens, dinosaur lands, color categorization, in the bathtub (remember to collect them before removing the cap!), great for showing and tell.


I love the feeling of water beads! They are addictive and relaxing and beautiful in a splendid glass bowl. Put your hand into a bowl and experience an incredible sensation!

These water beads are biodegradable, just put them in your garden when you're done and cover them with soil.

Precautions and safety information for water beads

These polymer water beads are non-toxic and 100% biodegradable. They must be treated like water and must not come into contact with moisture-sensitive surfaces or electrical appliances. Do not store the expanded product in direct sunlight.

Always keep out of the reach of children under 3 years of age: it may present a risk of suffocation.

Keep unexpanded drops of water away from children under 6 years of age as they pose a risk of swallowing.

Do not ingest or eat this product. Don't throw the water beads down the drain, just place them in the garden. Our water beads are biodegradable, so just place them in the garden and cover them with some soil - don't put them in aquariums or streams.

The water pearls are non-toxic but are not suitable for human or animal consumption. - I am not a food product. It is recommended to wash your hands thoroughly before and after contact and to keep the water beads as clean and hygienic as possible, rinse them with water mixed with a little hand sanitizer once every few days.


Acrylic polymers 95%, Water 5%.

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