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Eco-glitter Biodegradable Glitter - Glisten to me Baby - Projekt Glitter

206,00 Kč
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Who doesn't love a good handful of glitter???

Projekt Glitter creates single tubes of sustainable bulk glitter. Use them for make-up, dressing up, artistic work, sensory stimulation, mini-worlds, magic potions or mix them with modeling clay... No problem: they're eco-friendly!

How to use: Simply apply a small amount of primer (aloe vera is recommended) to the area you want covered in glitter and use a small brush or your fingers to dab the glitter.

Contents: 1 tube containing 2 g of eco-glitter, Vegan and biodegradable.



Eco-friendly glitter is made from natural compostable plant-based materials. It is EU certified biodegradable and will naturally compost in soil and seawater in the presence of bacteria… But don't worry, it won't biodegrade in the package!

The Glitters of Projekt Glitter are produced from a natural plant-based film and are biodegradable. They will disappear from the planet within 2-3 months, which means they are as safe for the planet as they are for you.

"We love glitter, but we are also children of the Earth. We couldn't bear the idea that harmful microplastics end up in the beautiful nature that is our mother, our home.

The glitter industry has been polluting the world long enough, it's time for a better way to sparkle. Projekt Glitter wants a future where everyone can enjoy guilt-free wearing glitter. Their mission is to innovate the glitter industry.

What are biodegradable glitter made of?

Projekt Glitter's biodegradable glitter is made using a process called "film extrusion". This involves breaking down natural materials, such as pulp and cellulose, into tiny particles, then blending them with pigments to create the desired color. These particles are then passed through a machine that shapes and cuts them into tiny glittery flakes, similar to traditional plastic glitter.

How does glitter biodegrade?

Biodegradable glitter breaks down through biodegradation, a process in which microorganisms consume the natural materials it is made of (such as cellulose, eucalyptus or wood pulp) and break it down into natural compounds such as CO2, water and biomass. The process typically occurs when glitter comes into contact with microbes in soil, water, or the air.

How long does it take for bio glitter to disappear?

The degradation process can take from several weeks to several months depending on the condition and size of the glitter.

Is bio glitter safe for the ocean?

Yes, our glitter biodegrades in seawater and can be digested anaerobically, which means it can be broken down by our fish friends too!

How do I remove the glitter?

You can simply use warm water and a face towel to remove the particles.

If biodegradable glitter is accidentally ingested by marine life, it is metabolized naturally, unlike traditional glitter, which remains in the animal and accumulates along the food chain.

In short, biodegradable glitter poses no threat to the ocean or the life within it!

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