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What if he doesn't play it? We reveal 18 secrets to finding the perfect toy! FREE DOWNLOAD

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Who has never bought at least one toy for their child that didn't end up forgotten shortly thereafter? Maybe after a very brief initial enthusiasm, the Interest has rapidly diminished, condemning the poor game to become a dustbin and then be donated or, even worse, thrown in the dustbin. Unfortunately, this is the fate of many toys if it is estimated that every year, worldwide, the toy market amounts to a total expenditure of about 90 billion dollars.

Some time ago we created a survey on Instagram asking the mothers who follow us what was the most present fear in a parent's mind regarding toys and it emerged that most of them ask themselves: Will my child like it? Will you play for more than 5 minutes? Will it be worth the money? Does the purchase of toys really have to be like a lottery?

We bring you excellent news, love for a toy is not accidental! There is a formula , or, better, more formulas which, if applied, will give your family the possibility of enjoying a serene and satisfying gaming experience, without waste or frustration!

A toy worth buying has certain characteristics: it must be of quality and last over time, it must be stimulating on various levels, both cognitive and motor sensory, it must stimulate creativity and must, above all, grow with the child.

But let's stop chatting and let's move on to action! Find out with us in detail how you will never spend a single euro empty again!

  • LEARN! By downloading the PDF you will receive for free 80 pages full of valuable unpublished information from industry experts. You will learn notions and curiosities on setting up spaces, on safety, on your child's cognitive functioning and much, much more.
  • SAVE! Understanding which toy to choose and, above all, which strategies to implement to make it a favorite will make you buy far fewer toys and this will bring you a savings not indifferent!
  • GET IN RELATIONSHIP! Finding the perfect toy will allow you and your family time for other things while enjoying satisfying, frustration-free play experiences.
  • ENCOURAGE YOUR AUTONOMY! Are you looking for 5 minutes of peace? In the PDF, you'll learn tactics to stimulate independent play and finally be able to drink that coffee while it's still hot!

To get your PDF just complete the checkout as a normal purchase with the difference that you will not be asked for payment or shipping details. The billing data will instead be used to send you the PDF via email.

Do not hesitate to contact us via the chat if you have any questions or concerns.

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What if he doesn't play it? We reveal 18 secrets to finding the perfect toy! FREE DOWNLOAD

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