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Natale 2024

Guida al regalo perfetto per i tuoi bambini!
Elisa e la storia del suo VBAC

Elisa and the story of her VBAC

Elisa and the story of her VBAC

I remember that night when the snow fell silently. Hospitalization had been fixed for the next day and I really didn't want to go. That snowfall was a sign: I had to wait. The contractions during the night had been felt but with the light of day they had vanished. The next morning we woke up and it was all white, stuck in the snow I could only stay at home with my oldest son and my husband having fun in the garden.

I decided to be hospitalized at 41 weeks and 2 days, this time I felt the need to concentrate and get away from everyone.

On the morning of hospitalization I said goodbye to my little man, a tear fell and I thought "when I return everything will be different, we will be another family and you, my little one, will be the greatest!".

The story of my second birth begins.

I arrive at the hospital, they assign me a room and I immediately make friends with the other girls. The first day they visit me and the usual contractions of the night had led me to a dilatation of one centimeter, soft but still high neck of the uterus. I agree to have my membranes cleaved in the hopes that labor will start.

I spend two days like this, waiting - a wait shared with the other mothers in the ward. Every now and then one of them goes into labor and after a few hours she comes back tired but happy. Oh, how much I wished in those moments to have that expression on my face too!

On March 1, I spend the day crying in despair, now I only think about the imminent caesarean section, I can't believe it anymore. In the evening the gynecologist calls me for monitoring, I ask him the time when they would have operated on me but he only replies "The night is long, eat and drink whatever you want, relax, and then tonight there is also a full moon!" and he winks at me.

I go back to the room and decide to put on the same white nightgown that I chose for the labor. I sit down on a chair, call my men, take another dip and say good night to them. But actually I'm not sleepy so I stay a while longer to talk to my friends on WhatsApp.

Suddenly I feel a twinge below, I scream, I get up and start to lose some amniotic fluid. Frightened, I ask my roommates how to behave, I'm not understanding anything and they call the nurse in a hurry, while I am bent over in pain.

I just have time to call my husband telling him that something is happening and that he has to rush to me.

I run to the labor room, at this point the contractions give me no respite: they are very strong, every 40 seconds.

The midwives don't know who to follow, there are many of us dancing that night under the full moon, screams and moans are heard from everywhere.

They visit me and find me dilated by 6 cm, fantastic! They tell me "keep it up, it will be born soon!". I am left alone and start breathing hard with each contraction. After 10 minutes I feel a strong need to push, I tell the midwives and they confirm that I'm at maximum dilatation...damn it's only time to push!

And just at that moment Stefano arrives with a terrified face, and he finds me ready to push, I feel even more energized with him near me. The expulsion phase is more difficult, however I feel self-confident, I feel like a lioness and around me I have only trusting people from whom I draw to find the strength. I change position and get on all fours, 30 minutes go by and right at the moment when I'm about to give up and instead I have to find all the strength possible for the last push, I feel something free, the joy around me explosive and then that cry. I've done it! We made it! At 00:36 Gabriele was born.

They put it on me still tied by the umbilical cord, we stay like that for a while, then my father cuts the cord. They move us into a room and we stay skin to skin, dad is there with us too, it was an hour full of magic, oh my God how fragrant this puppy was! I'm incredulous, I'm afraid to wake up from this fantastic dream.

The recovery was very fast compared to the cesarean.

The success of this splendid vbac was also thanks to all the people who supported me along this path. The Millemamme project has given me the opportunity to have psychologists and trained people alongside me, but above all friends.

My midwife Pamela who didn't give up on me for a minute and brought me to this delivery with great preparation. This time I had the opportunity to give birth respectfully and according to my wishes. I recommend this type of route to all: don't be left alone, ask and get as much information as possible.

Elisa, Stefano and little Gabriele



  • Siete fantastici😍😘

    Fiorella on

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