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cosa è il babywearing

What is Babywearing and why it is depopulating in Italy

What is babywearing

Let's get straight to the point: babywearing is a mothering practice which consists of carrying your baby "on your body" with the help of supports such as bands and baby carriers. The literal translation from English is “to wear one's baby”. In this way, the child always remains close to the mother but she can have her hands free to do other things, the weight is discharged symmetrically and therefore the impact is perceived as minor and the bearer has the freedom to go out without having to load the strollers, carrycots, eggs etc.

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Piange appena lo metto in fascia! Ad ogni problema una soluzione.

He cries as soon as I wrap him up! For every problem a solution.

Sometimes the great desire to carry your baby in a sling collides with the sad reality of a baby who just doesn't want to be in a sling: he cries, screams, yes wiggles, gets nervous! We soon realize that a beautiful band and the willpower are not always enough to embark on this path. First of all, don't panic: don't give up on the second unsuccessful attempt! In the meantime, let's see together what the possible problems and solutions to them might be.

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Un pensiero sul babywearing

A thought on babywearing

Once upon a time there was a time when you didn't have to go to information meetings to learn about the practice of babywearing. It was all natural...

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Marsupio Ergonomico…ma lo è davvero?

Ergonomic Baby Carrier…but is it really?

There really is everything on the market and the wording "ergonomic pouch" is now the order of the day. Well, in order not only to be considered ergonomic but also to be used ergonomically, the baby carrier must respect some essential parameters.

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