Diary of a Babywearing Consultant

Tiptoeing into the muffled reality of a house where life has just arrived. Feeling the indescribable energy as a series of waves that change in emotional intensity. Feeding on this energy and remembering those indescribable emotions. The mother: undisputed goddess, bearer of life, of light. Her charm is undeniable. Smelling the smell of a newborn and touching the lanugo on her little head. Watch him while she takes the breast. Shortly after she dozes off. Contact, containment, nourishment: all her needs are fully satisfied, life for him is perfect! I feel like I'm in a nest! A place protected but by something bigger than all of us. And I tiptoe in with my bag. I carry magical fabrics. We tie, we untie, we talk. We communicate mainly through gestures and contact. I see this mother tying with great determination. Something clicked in her: "I can do it!" And here it seems to me that the most important part of my job is done, will I have succeeded in instilling in her the notion that all her skills were within her? Just like when she gave birth, just like now that she feeds him and instinctively interprets every slightest cry. I tiptoe in and go out hoping I've left a little piece of myself in there, an impact that however small it may be positive, a tool that can support this family both emotionally and practically. I carry a lot with me, above all the affirmation of a concept of no small importance: I LOVE MY JOB!
Nastasia Morin
Babywearing School consultant
Parole magiche che descrive perfettamente la mattinata passata insieme. Grazie a te per il tuo grandissimo aiuto e sostegno… grazie per avermi insegnato uno strumento da usare quotidianamente in modo da dare ciò di qui Lorenzo ha bisogno… un abbraccio 🤗
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