What is Babywearing and why it is depopulating in Italy
What is babywearing?
Let's get straight to the point: babywearing is a mothering practice which consists of carrying your baby "on your body" with the aid of supports such as bands and baby carriers baby carriers. The literal translation from English is “to wear one's baby”. In this way the child always remains close to the mother but she can have her hands free to do other things, the weight is discharged symmetrically and therefore the impact is perceived as minor and the bearer has the freedom to go out without having to load the strollers, carrycots and other bulky devices.
History of babywearing
Those who have never seen anything like this will think that this is an innovative practice, never seen before. Some will find it absurd. Others may have already seen the occasional African mother carrying her baby on her back. In reality, mothers have been wearing their children since the beginning of the world and it is still practiced widely in many countries of the globe.
It is theorized that being carried and carrying are part of our genetic makeup thanks to the analysis of some typical characteristics of our species: the classic spread-sitting position, the grasping reflex, the immaturity neurology and many other typical traits of the infant suggest that newborns are "made" to be carried by their mothers, who act as a "nest" for them in the 9 months following birth (period of esogestation). At first they clung to the mother's hair and, following the advent of agriculture and therefore when humans became sedentary, mothers began to carry the little ones using bands and other tools with the same function. To learn more about this concept, you can read our article "He always wants to be held!": the ethological point of view.
Babywearing in a low contact culture
With the arrival of transport devices such as wheelchairs (and of men in the delivery room, I would dare to add!) the cultural structure in the West has completely changed. The contact and containment practiced for several months after birth through the use of baby carriers has failed, without thinking about whether this new dimension was functional to the innate needs of the newborn. On the other hand, at the same time the culture of "let him cry so he makes his lungs" or "if you hold him in your arms you WILL VIZE him" was spreading.
Today we know, thanks to numerous researches, that proximity to the mother or caregiver is extremely important for the child and for his psycho-emotional development. Finally we return to welcoming the Nature of care: welcoming, feeding, containing. In Italy every year more and more mothers practice carrying in slings and pouches, even if the cultural preconceptions in favor of low contact are, alas, hard to die.
Benefits of Babywearing
The benefits of babywearing are countless. First of all, among the most perceived, we have the fulfillment of the newborn's primary needs for contact and containment. Even the basic need for food can be stimulated through babywearing, since skin-to-skin can stimulate the production and ejection of breast milk. Babywearing encourages the relationship (bonding) in the dyad and given that babies tend to cry less, sleep more and feed better, this helps the mother feel more competent in her role and experience everything with more serenity. Furthermore, for her, having her hands free to do other things while keeping her little one close to her is a great help.
What to do to approach babywearing
What to do then to discover this world as unknown as it is magical? Where to start? Surely the best thing to do is find an information meeting in your neighborhood. These are usually taught by babywearing consultants. The meeting is free and within it you have the first information on the theory and you have the opportunity to see and touch the various types of baby carrier supports: elastic bands, rigid bands, ring bands, fanny packs. Later it will be possible to decide whether to continue self-taught by following thematic groups on social networks or tutorials on Youtube or to be accompanied by a babywearing consultant in learning how to tie.
The role of the Babywearing Consultant
The consultant represents an added value in the journey because she communicates the basics of carrying while respecting ergonomics, according to the basic safety parameters and can also recommend the perfect support for the mother. Unfortunately, we often find non-ergonomic supports marketed, i.e. they do not respect the physiological posture of the newborn. The consultant can also be a valid ally especially if the binding just doesn't come, if the child shows dissent, where there are difficulties. Many moms give up because babywearing is a social / learned behavior and having a reference network can make all the difference! (Meanwhile. )
Carrying your puppy in a sling is a wonderful experience that all mums and dads should experience! If you need advice on the next step to take, write to us at shop@millemamme. org or call us at 331861845. We will be happy to help you!